Scarlet41 & Patchwork Foundation Partnership

In February this year, Scarlet 41 was pleased to receive the CEO Imran Sanaullah MBE and Programmes Manager Tess Martineau of Patchwork Foundation to the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago on our invitation for a week of engagements. We explored a number potential opportunities for international collaboration and diplomacy. Discussed our shared interests in tackling the barriers to political engagement and examined the ways in which we both go about supporting the holistic development of our emerging leaders, but also the change agents today.
We were most pleased to have Tess and Imran join us as we celebrated the awarding of 47 graduates, who each received their “Executive Diplomas” for completing the requirements of the 12-month Bespoke Masterclass Programme. Both Scarlet 41 and Patchwork Foundation intend to strengthen the work we both do by joining together to develop a unique and collaborative partnership platform to further build the leadership capacity, agency and preparedness of our youth and young adults.
Our high-powered engagements in the country was not just a public relations and tourism exercise. But it was about much more than that, rather taking active and tangible steps with the relevant stakeholders to bring about a new and dynamic dispensation to the forefront, whereby our young people can be seen, heard and represented, as they mobilize and actualise around a core set of mutual principles. But what does it all mean and who did we bother to meet with and why? Well let’s break it all down.
First.. we must endeavor to explain! What is Patchwork Foundation?
It is a UK-based charity committed to strengthening democracy. [..] Focused on communities and individuals that are traditionally underrepresented [working] to equip young people with the necessary skills and experience to encourage active participation in democracy and wider civil society.
What is Scarlet 41’s Mission and how does it align?
Special thanks must be given to our Corporate Trustee Mr. Aldwyn Wayne, CEO of Wipay Caribbean Ltd for being our primary partner for this engagement.
We had a fantastic time, meeting some inspirational young people and connected with some fantastic people, including Faris Al-Rawi (Attorney General, Trinidad & Tobago), Presiding Officer Abby Taylor (THA), Chief Secretary Farley Chavez Augustine, Minortiy Leader Kelvon Morris and Leader of PDP Watson Duke
While we were there we honoured to meet Faris Al-Rawi (Attorney General, Trinidad & Tobago), Presiding Officer Abby Taylor (THA), Chief Secretary Farley Chavez Augustine, Minority Leader of the THA Kelvon Morris, and Watson Solomon Duke, Founder and Political Leader of PDP. We learnt so much about the politics, history and culture of the country, and were able to discuss with the amazing young people the challenges they face, many of which echo those facing #Patchworkers in the UK.

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